Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Inspiration - The Colors of Spring

Spring in Phoenix is colorful!  The bright bougainvillaea in red, pink, orange, purple - lemon trees in full bloom and heavy with ripe fruit - and the bright orange poppies that are everywhere.  A great time of year for a color freak like me!

Last fall I found a great color palette generating tool that I'm beginning to use more and more.  Big Huge Labs has quite a few fun, free photo tools you might want to explore.  The color palette generator takes an uploaded photo and builds a set of twelve colors - even if you aren't planning on using the subject of the photo in your art work, it's great for taking a photo with colors you like and seeing what palette it gives you.  I've found there are always colors in it I didn't pick up on.

Happy Creating!  Deborah

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